Power Pages Case Study

AQL Technologies' Power Pages Solution Revolutionizes Supply Chain in Manufacturing Industry

AQL leveraged the capabilities of Power Pages to create a secure and scalable supplier portal

The Company

A globally renowned company specializing in the production of industrial machinery and equipment, with a vast network of suppliers, distributors, and customers worldwide. The client faced intricate challenges in managing its supply chain, product life cycles, data organization, and internal communication.

The Challenge

The client encountered multifaceted hurdles that demanded innovative solutions: 

Supplier Visibility: Struggled to maintain real-time visibility into supplier performance metrics, including delivery schedules, quality standards, and compliance adherence. 

Product Life Cycle Management: Managing the life cycle of diverse products, from conception to end-of-life phases, posed complexities in tracking versions, collaboration among teams, and synchronizing data across departments. 

Data Centralization: Siloed data repositories hindered efficient decision-making, leading to delays, inaccuracies, and redundancies in data analysis and reporting. 

Communication Efficiency: Inefficient communication channels and fragmented collaboration tools resulted in delays, errors, and misalignments in project execution and stakeholder engagement.

The Solution

AQL Technologies collaborated closely with the client to implement a robust solution using Microsoft Power Platform’s capabilities: 

Supplier Visibility Enhancement: Custom Power Pages dashboards were developed to provide real-time insights into supplier performance, delivery status, quality metrics, and compliance indicators. Automated notifications and alerts streamlined communication and issue resolution. 

Advanced Product Life Cycle Management: Power Pages were tailored to track products throughout their life cycles, incorporating features like version control, collaborative workspaces, and ERP system integration for seamless data flow and process automation. 

Centralized Data Management: Leveraging Dataverse, AQL Technologies established a centralized data repository that integrated data from disparate sources. Custom data models and Power BI integration enhanced data analytics, reporting, and decision support capabilities. 

Efficient Communication Channels: Power Pages served as a unified platform for team collaboration, document sharing, task assignment, progress tracking, and stakeholder engagement, fostering a culture of transparency and agility. 

The Results

The implementation of AQL Technologies’ solution yielded significant outcomes: 

Enhanced Supplier Visibility: On-time deliveries improved by 20%, and quality issues reduced by 15%, leading to stronger supplier relationships and operational reliability. 

Streamlined Product Life Cycle: Product development cycles shortened by 30%, accelerating time-to-market for new products and enhancing innovation agility. 

Centralized Data Access: Decision-makers gained access to accurate and timely data, resulting in a 25% improvement in operational efficiency and strategic decision-making. 

Improved Communication: Communication gaps decreased by 40%, enabling faster decision-making, reduced errors, and improved cross-functional collaboration. 

  • Improved the supply chain efficiency. 
  • Improved customer satisfaction by 85% 
  • Reduced overall costs by 75%.