Office 365

What is a Center of Excellence (CoE)? Its Features & Benefits
What is a Center of Excellence (CoE)? Its Features & Benefits 1024 512 Sameer Mohammed

In today’s competitive and fast-paced business environment, organizations are constantly seeking ways to enhance efficiency, drive innovation, and maintain a competitive edge. One such strategy that has gained significant traction is the establishment of a Center of Excellence (CoE). But what exactly is a CoE, and what are its core features and benefits? Understanding a…

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Office 365 : Topic : Security & Compliance (Series 2)
Office 365 : Topic : Security & Compliance (Series 2) 150 150 Sameer Mohammed

Understanding different categories available to secure Office 365 services and data: This section explains the different categories available to you to secure Office 365 services and data. 1. Managing Alerts You can access the alerts section from the LHS panel available in the Office Security & Compliance widget as shown in the figure below. Using…

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Office 365- Security & Compliance (Series 1)
Office 365- Security & Compliance (Series 1) 150 150 Sameer Mohammed

In today’s electronic world, it is imperative to manage information in a secure way. This blog is a first of its series for IT managers who want to cover the basics of Office 365 security and governance. This blog will help you secure your Office 365 platform and give you a quick score on your…

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Getting started with Office 365: Forms, Flow and PowerApps
Getting started with Office 365: Forms, Flow and PowerApps 150 150 Sameer Mohammed

In this article, we will see the power of Office 365. We will see how we can leverage the capabilities of power of Microsoft Forms, SharePoint Online, PowerApps and Flows. Each of these are considered as separate products under one hood i.e. Office 365. So let’s get started:- 1) Microsoft Forms With Microsoft Forms, you…

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All About Office 365 Groups
All About Office 365 Groups 150 150 Sameer Mohammed

Office 365 Groups allow users to collaborate through shared emails, conversations, files, teams and so on. Groups can be created from different Microsoft tools including Outlook, Teams, Yammer, SharePoint site collection. This facility provides a different set of features depending on the tool that is used to create a group. With Office 365 Group, Exchange…

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Office 365 Power Apps for creating a purchasing Mobile App
Office 365 Power Apps for creating a purchasing Mobile App 150 150 Sameer Mohammed

Guys Microsoft has been slowly but steadily improving Power apps & Microsoft Flow applications over the past 2 years. Recently they have released Rules for Power App. I have created an end to end basic power app for managing purchase orders and below is the video.  

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