
Installing pdf Ifilter for SharePoint 2010
Installing pdf Ifilter for SharePoint 2010 150 150 Sameer Mohammed

Got it done last night and verified that the crawling worked, the process is pretty much the same as SharePoint 2007 and here is info : 1. there seem to be several pdf ifilters and below are the most popular ones a.Adobe IFilter for 64 bit: http://www.adobe.com/support/downloads/detail.jsp?ftpID=4025 ( comes free of charge) b.FOX IFilter: http://www.foxitsoftware.com/pdf/ifilter/…

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Sharepoint 2010 New Features
Sharepoint 2010 New Features 150 150 Sameer Mohammed

so here’s my first posting on SharePoint 2010, it has some new features that I came across out of my research and thought would post it, I will be updating this as I come across them. 1. BI features a. Performance point server included services b. Chart web parts c. Excel Services – includes SQL…

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