
Understanding ServiceNow GenAI: The Future of Business Automation
Understanding ServiceNow GenAI: The Future of Business Automation 1024 768 Sameer Mohammed

What is GenAI? Generative AI, or GenAI, is a type of AI that can generate new content by learning from existing data. It’s capable of producing realistic and creative text, images, and other media, which has transformative potential across various industries, including entertainment, marketing, and healthcare. How Does GenAI Work? ServiceNow’s GenAI combines the power…

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Enhancing Employee Experience Seamlessly through Employee Service Center
Enhancing Employee Experience Seamlessly through Employee Service Center 150 150 Rizwan Ansari

Are you struggling to provide a seamless service experience for your employees? Unsure where to begin in creating an employee service center that meets their needs? Join us for this informative webinar, where we will explore everything related to enhancing employee experience through a seamless employee service center. Our experts, Sameer Mohammed and Mihir Yelamanchili,…

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